
Overnight Video: The Killing Joke

BigPapa9/18/2011 8:01:20 am PDT

I know all of you are going to be really upset by this so I hate to break it to you:

Pat Boone: Birther

On Bachmann: “I think she would make a good president…I don’t know yet whether or not she’s electable in today’s climate, but we would be in good hands….I don’t know whether the country’s ready to elect a woman.”

On gay marriage: “I have many friends, and always have had, who are homosexual..and Rock Hudson was one. So I’m not a homophobe..but I’ve seen some of the consequences of the lifestyle…everyone who opposes marriage between a man and a woman was born of a man and woman.”

On whether he thinks Obama was born in the U.S: “I don’t. I was in Kenya about a year and a half ago and everybody said, “you know he was born here.”…Why else would he be hiding all his records? He is spending millions of dollars so we do not have his records..And experts have already looked at and been able to verify that this long form document is a fraud.
“But the media ignores it….a total fraud. A photo-shopped fraud.”

On Obama’s religion: “Growing up in Indonesia, he used to read the Koran in that was instilled in him as a young boy…he hasn’t celebrated any Christian holidays in the White House, but he does Ramadan.” That may be a surprise to those who have attended, say the White House Easter Prayer Breakfast. Apparently, Pat’s invite is..cough..cough…in the mail.