
GOP Crowd Boos Gay Soldier Serving in Iraq, While Santorum Babbles About Sex

Birth Control Works9/22/2011 10:53:49 pm PDT

re: #201 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

I knew quite a few “gay till graduation”/who-ya-foolin types. The people like your friends you describe…eh, everyone goes through their transitions; to an extent, I can relate to them, since I also like men. It’s the ones who turn homophobic after being head of the LGBT campus group, so they can get their inheritance or keep their unearned social privileges, etc., them cn go jump in lake. Known a few of those.

Like some parents I know whose kids think they were virgins when they got married and never did any drug harder than alcohol. They outright lie to their kids and to anyone else.

Even me, who they know, knows better.