
Todd Rundgren and Daryl Hall: The Want Of A Nail

NJDhockeyfan12/20/2011 7:46:34 am PST

‘We don’t want to look like a homeless camp any longer’ - Occupy Eugene says they’re making changes

EUGENE, Ore. (KMTR) – Occupy Eugene is cleaning up their campsite following a city council meeting that took place December 14th and granted the group an extension until January 11th.

At the meeting, council agreed that at any given time, if necessary, the extension could be revoked. Occupy Eugene says they are not taking this information lightly.

Keith Hernandez told NewsSource 16 that the peacekeepers are now taking it upon themselves to clear out unwanted substances and weapons. Those who are causing problems or giving Occupy Eugene bad light will be evicted peacefully.

“On the first night, we did some evictions the first night and it went absolutely well, we got six tents out of here and in those six tents, total wise, we found 70 syringes,” he said.

He admitted there were some problems with the camp, including some ‘chop shops,’ that had to go.