
Fox News Commenters React to Afghan Killings: 'A Dead Muslim Is a Good Muslim'

Targetpractice3/11/2012 3:46:51 pm PDT

re: #197 Dark_Falcon

We actually hammered the NVA’s attack on Tet into the ground, and staying in our bases while they attacked our positions was a sound operational decision. We counter attacked promptly back then and scored a major military victory. But Tet also exposed our previous strategy as an utter failure and caused the American public to justifiably lose faith. Creighton Abrams was brought in to replace the failed William Westmoreland, and Richard Nixon adopted better methods at the national level, but the damage had been done.

And that’s just it, Dark, the damage has already been done. The people there and here have lost faith that this war can be won in any manner that won’t leave us running from Afghanistan with our tails between our legs. When the average Afghan on the street is more inclined to believe the Taliban than us, then it’s game over.