
Tonight in Ferguson, Missouri

Yeah Sure WhatEVs8/12/2014 5:24:34 am PDT

re: #195 HappyWarrior

It really is unfortunately standard procedure to go but but Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton in times like this. I’m no big admirer of either man but you’re right Art, the rhetoric of Hannity, Limbaugh, and Beck is disgusting and very nary are they ever called out by their fellow conservatives in name for fermenting racial and cultural hostilities and absolutely some consideration to the community of Ferguson and especially Mike’s family would be nice too.

I don’t know how I feel about either. I’m white. My “children” aren’t routinely stopped for no reason, killed for no reason, treated by police, whom I might add, I always learned to look at as being safe and helpful, as if they’re mongrel dogs who shouldn’t be on the streets. Sharpton and Jackson provide a voice to people who often have none.

I’d have to walk a mile in the shoes of those living in Ferguson (and elsewhere) before making a determination on either.