
Saturday Jam: Randy Newman Talks About the Inspiration for "Losing You"

Jenner74/10/2016 10:42:36 am PDT

About those Sanders supporters trying to unseat Dems in Utah with their more “progressive” candidates:

Enthusiastic, but not well organized, a slate of Bernie Sanders supporters failed to unseat House incumbents at the Salt Lake County Democratic Convention on Saturday.

The legislative candidates running as part of the United Progressive Coalition argued that they could harness the enthusiasm of Sanders’ presidential bid to grow the party and eventually pull this conservative state to the left. On March 22, Sanders received 70 percent of the vote in the state’s caucuses, where the delegates to the county convention were also elected.

None of these first-time candidates were well versed in party rules or had potential delegates lined up, as a result they were at a severe disadvantage against sitting lawmakers who not only are better organized, but well known within the Democratic establishment.

Shocking. Not shocking.