
GOP Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee: Trump's Reckless Threats Could Cause "World War III"

KGxvi10/09/2017 9:02:23 am PDT

Regarding Pence, the smart (i.e. - not playing to the wingularity base) move would have been to stay for the game and issue a statement along the lines of:

While I believe the current protests in the NFL and other leagues are inappropriate, I also recognize that the athletes are exercising their First Amendment rights. As elected officials we have an obligation and duty to protect the constitutional rights of all Americans. In that spirit, I would like to extend an invitation to NFL players who have recently knelt during the national anthem, including Mr. Kaepernick, to meet with my at the Naval Observatory in order to discuss their concerns.

Even if you don’t follow through on anything, it puts the ball in the players’ court and makes it at least look like you care (hell, it might even end some of the protests if you actually take the meeting). I don’t see how this is so difficult.