
An Outstanding Solo Performance: Foxtails Brigade, "Last Still Standing"

Joe Bacon ✅7/20/2019 9:20:20 am PDT

re: #196 Dr Lizardo

QAnon is a classic cult - the constant moving of goalposts, the disregard of failed prophecies, etc.

But I find myself asking - what’s the endgame? What’s the long-term strategy? What’s the payoff? Is there one or is just trolling the rubes? What’s the deal?

I could speculate that it’s a diversion to keep ignorant white racists from realizing that they’re being screwed…BUT…I have Diamond & Silk wannabes in my office who continually e-mail Trump about “disloyal” people in my office.

And who are the “disloyal people”? Well they are several gays and lesbians, a Muslim and of course me because D&S believe all Jews belong in Israel ‘cause the Bi-Bull says so…