
Seth Meyers Returns Just in Time, as Trump Threatens War Crimes Against Iran [VIDEO]

Hecuba's daughter1/07/2020 9:45:38 am PST

re: #179 Citizen K

Following that thread, it’s worth reminding that this same rabbit hole Sully goes down has the exact same basis as the myth that black people don’t feel pain the same way other races do and thus therefore don’t need pain management during medical treatment. Sully even married the two together in his indignant demands for proof, even if he didn’t follow it to near the same obsession as his racial penis “science”.

When he still had a blog, I followed Eric Alterman who hated Sully with a passion, due to Sully’s support for Iraq and unwavering attacks on those who didn’t share his outlook. But eventually Sully reconsidered his views and then supported Obama. When Eric discontinued his blog, I started following Sully, who seemed reasonable in those days, but I really had failed to pay sufficient attention to his 1990’s support for Charles Murray and the Bell Curve (a vile, dishonest piece of work) and his misogyny. It does seem as though that, after Obama gave him SSM, he started reverting to his racist Tory heritage and now he has returned to full-blown white supremacism. He is an example of how sanity can be a brief interlude in someone’s history — that the pull of racism can overcome rational thoughts.