
Seth Meyers: Trump and His Cronies Have a Plan - to Protect Themselves, Not You, Silly

Mattand5/08/2020 9:22:55 am PDT

re: #194 Eclectic Cyborg

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So now we’re at the point where 75 000 dead Americans will be written of as “Collateral damage”?

Yup. I know I’ve been complaining maybe too much about this, but the few conservatives I know are in Magic Balance Fairy mode, aka “It’s not just Trump, everyone’s to blame.”

IMO, the next shift will be “Pandemics happen, whaddya gonna do?” in order to cover for Trump further. That’s followed by “How dare you politicize this?” Which is all rationalization for voting for Trump again.

And, quite frankly, our idiot “independent” voters are probably thinking this way as well.

100,000 dead is coming soon, and I unfortunately don’t think 250,000 is out of the question. But the “logic” detailed above is why this election will be a nail biter again.

Or maybe not. Trump’s move with the Post Office pretty much signals they’re going to do their best to shut down the mail-in vote.