
VULFPECK: "Love Is a Beautiful Thing" (Feat. Monica Martin and Theo Katzman)

Nyet10/31/2022 12:16:25 am PDT

re: #201 Nyet

I remember when I was still at Twitter, the average Corbynite there was very toxic.

Stop the War Coalition statement on Ukraine crisis
On 18 February 2022, in the week before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Corbyn alongside 11 Labour MPs cosigned a statement from the Stop the War Coalition opposing any war in Ukraine.[315] The statement said that “the crisis should be settled on a basis which recognises the right of the Ukrainian people to self-determination and addresses Russia’s security concerns”, that NATO “should call a halt to its eastward expansion”, and that the British government’s sending of arms to Ukraine and troops to eastern Europe served “no purpose other than inflaming tensions and indicating disdain for Russian concerns”.[316] The statement’s authors also said that they “refute [sic] the idea that NATO is a defensive alliance”.[316]

On the evening of 24 February, the first day of the invasion, Labour chief whip Alan Campbell wrote to all 11 Labour MPs who had signed the statement, requesting that they withdraw their signatures.[315][317] All 11 agreed to do so the same evening.[315][317] Corbyn and fellow former Labour independent MP Claudia Webbe did not withdraw their signatures from the statement, though Labour shadow foreign secretary David Lammy urged Corbyn to do so.[318]