
Breaking: Massa Under Investigation for Allegedly Groping Male Staffers

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/09/2010 1:31:31 pm PST

Look, I am really tired of thin skinned Republican defenders trying to get all cranky that their party has not become a racist cesspool.

Rush LImbagh spokes person for the GOP you betcha!


You betcha!

All those comparisons of the first lady to an ape - from actual elected GOP folks… Racist, You betcha!

I mean I could make a very very long list of everything the GOP does to race bait, but really a casual glance at this blog for the past year makes it really plain that your party plays the race card in the most vile way.

If it honestly annoys you, then take back your party, make it sane and respectable again and don’t get pissed at me for pointing out the obvious truth that you party as it is now, is racist and obviously and disgustingly so.