

Guanxi8810/22/2010 9:07:59 pm PDT

re: #193 marjoriemoon

It’s not so cut and dry if I hear what electric is saying. We have that “culture” insanity too, which usually goes along with “we’re a big happy family.” Although my rebuttal to that is, my family doesn’t fire people when we get cranky with them.

All too often I’ve seen people shoved out, not so much fired, for not fitting in.

By me, we have this passive-aggressive thing working for us. Guy’s screwing up, or looked funny at someone, or whatever it might be, and if he’s past the 90 day mark (and hence, in principle, eligible for unemployment) we put insane pressure and impossible tasks on him, double-down on the abuse and contempt, and, in general, do everything we can to make him quit.

He doesn’t quit, we have “the talk” - “Look, we’ll write you an excellent letter of introduction and recommendation…”