
Assange Arrest Imminent

elizajane12/02/2010 8:19:01 pm PST

re: #168 Killgore Trout

Just generally speaking. I gave Sully a second look after the election when the conservatives shit the bed and went insane. Sullivan was still ranting about Palin’s baby and pardoning Palestinian terrorism. He’s useless.

Gosh, completely disagree on that one. Sullivan’s a quirky, sometimes obsessive but really individual writer who can generally stand outside the usual boring partisan ruts. His Palin’s baby thing is often mischaracterized: he says, correctly, that the story as she tells it is wildly implausible or else recklessly irresponsible, tending toward the latter. On Palastinians, well, once you’ve spent a few months reading The Guardian on this issue you decide to just not pay attention to those posts on The Dish because they might make you insane (otherwise you would also not be able to have any academic friends in Britain).
I love The Dish, read it every day, and guess the View from Your Window competitions too.