
Sarah Palin: My Bus Tour is 'Not About Me'

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin5/31/2011 10:08:25 pm PDT

re: #190 SanFranciscoZionist

And how do we define a conservative Christian?

There are lots of kinds of conservative Christians.

Michele Bachmann and David Barton, both Oral Roberts University grads, are one kind, the Pentecostal/Neo-Charismatic kind.

Dumb bigots like Glenn Beck and his hero Bishop Ezra Taft Benson are another type, LDS/Moron Church

The Phelps family, an offshoot of Primitive Baptists are more. They make up the infamous Westboro Baptist Church

More classy Baptists can be found in the Independent Fundamental Baptist loose association of anti-humanity whackjobs like

Then, there is the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), led by Richard Land, who gave his blessing to the McCain campaign to unleash Palin on the world.

How about the church of Christ (no, they do not capitalize the “c” in “church”). A bunch of them think musical instruments in the sanctuary are evil.

Those are just a few conservative Christian denominations. I left off the Churches of God, Nazarenes, Salvation Army, and did not delineate the differences between Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism.

And this is just within Protestantism.

There is also a universe of conservative Christianity in Orthodoxy. And the conservatism of the Roman Catholic Church is kind of legendary, though there are many exceptions within Catholicism, such as Catholics for a Free Choice.

If they don’t engage in such behavior are they not conservative, or not Christian?

Engage in what behavior? I am going by conservative Christians’ own self definitions.

A lot of their behavior behind closed doors, well, that is another matter altogether.