
Uh Oh: Third Ex-Employee Claims She Was Sexually Harassed by Cain

Kragar11/02/2011 3:56:40 pm PDT

Mark Block: Rick Perry Needs To Apologize To Herman Cain…And America

The Herman Cain campaign is stepping up its latest line of defense against the sexual harassment story rocking Cain this week.

Rick Perry, Cain chief of staff Mark Block told Fox Wednesday, needs to apologize for the story. To America.

“Rick Perry needs to apologize to Herman Cain and, quite frankly, to America,” Block said.

He was pitching the latest pushback from the Cain campaign on the sexual harassment allegations, which began with “the story is not true” and shifted into “ok it’s pretty true, but it’s not that bad” earlier this week. The new line is that Perry’s campaign is responsible for the story and therefore the story is inherently tainted by dirty politics. Or something like that, anyway. To be honest, it’s hard to see how that’s much of a defense and with the women involved eager to talk about what happened the importance of who’s responsible for the story may not matter much longer.