
2012 Democratic National Convention: Day One, Thread Three, Michelle Obama Edition

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce9/04/2012 8:43:03 pm PDT

re: #149 Targetpractice

At this point, I’m beginning to dread the idea of going back for Thanksgiving if Obama wins a second term. It was actually a shock to my grandmother when I admitted to supporting him and was warned not to say as much around town.

I have severely dreaded Thanksgiving every year since 2008. Invariably, I’m guilt-tripped into spending a day immersed in people I barely know, almost all of whom can be relied upon to somehow relate every possible topic of conversation to SOMETHING RUSH SAID THE OTHER DAY.

I have a cousin with a PhD in physics who married some jackass whose entire worldview begins and ends with Alex Jones. My brother can’t shut up about how environmental regulations are ruining everything. My sister in-law is pissed off that Obama is going to take her tungsten light bulbs away as the first step along the road to tyranny (FIRST, THEY CAME FOR THE TUNGSTEN LIGHT BULBS, BUT I DID NOT SPEAK UP BECAUSE I WAS NOT A TUNGSTEN LIGHT BULB!). My nephew has never experienced a moment of adversity in his life, and sincerely believes that physical illness is a character flaw (he would have got on famously with my dad who believed the same thing, and as such died unnecessarily at age 63 from complications of an illness that’s easily managed by everyone who doesn’t believe that MANLY BOOT-STRAPS are a viable alternative to well-established medical treatment).