
Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA): Iran Should Be Nuked

Lidane12/04/2013 12:19:25 pm PST

re: #179 GeneJockey

No, no, you don’t understand! By pushing for a scientifically rational understanding of the origins of life on earth instead of a fairy tale from one holy book, you’re obviously going to make people believe in the same fairy tale in a somewhat longer version of the same holy book!

Actual post from an evangelical friend of mine on FB after he posted what amounted to the watchmaker analogy but with a computer instead of a watch:

Hi [redacted]…[redacted] pretty much summed it up. The reason I feel this is so important is that if you subscribe to the belief of evolution, then you have probably adopted a worldview that does not include God. It would be a great tragedy to me if there are people who are being called to know God, but have dismissed him as a myth or fairy tale because of the mythical non-scientific fairy tale of Darwinian evolution. Not only does this have a well known impact on your destination after this life is over, it has a profound impact on the quality of life you live here and now.