
A Song You Never Expected to Hear on Solo Acoustic Guitar: Luca Stricagnoli, "Thunderstruck" (AC/DC)

Justanotherhuman2/17/2015 8:56:52 am PST

Well, I had to make it a point to purchase a lot of household and other stuff from the local thrift store when Bush was tearing down the economy and it’s only been in the last few years that we changed our spending habits and started buying some things new (although I continue both and recycle, too). From observing the shoppers at the thrift store, a lot of people did the same thing. And there’s no tax on used mdse purchased through a charity like this particular thrift store, whereas in this part of NC, the sales tax is 6.75% on new purchases, although food is 2%. So to say that poor people pay no taxes is a myth, considering the various other taxes paid locally, state and federal.