
Oath Keepers Militia Says They'll Prevent US Marshals From Arresting Kim Davis Again

Mattand9/10/2015 10:47:01 am PDT

re: #177 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

The most threatening thing I saw so far is that they will “put the judge on notice”. Do you have anything more threatening than that? I never make the argument the you said I did. So I repeat my questions: What excuses did I make? (I notice that one hasn’t been answered), and what threats did they make against the judge?

Your excuse is that you are using the same kind of linguistic acrobatics the cops did to me when my neighbor threatened my girlfriend and I:

Sorry, sir, but “You’re going to fucking pay” could be a reference to a debt between you that the department is unaware of.

It’s that hyper-acute reading of the 1st Amendment that people hide behind when they don’t want to admit someone is making a threat. You know full well what the OathKeepers are talking about.

And as someone else pointed out earlier, the Bundy Ranch incident has emboldened these kind of idiots even further. Giving these guys a pass because they haven’t specified what kind of bullets they’re going to use is ridiculous.

And again: if the OathKeepers were black, they’d have already been arrested for what these white guys are saying.

You know what else is complicated: the fucking privilege that Caucasians and the religious get in this country.