
Funny Clip of the Day: Ben Carson to CNN Anchor: "You've Probably Been Charged" With a Crime

Bubblehead II4/07/2016 6:26:14 pm PDT

re: #190 thedopefishlives

Actually, in the early days, proper human interface designs weren’t really considered important. Three Mile Island was caused in part because the control systems weren’t designed to be intuitive and easily understood.

re: #191 Decatur Deb

Could be a legend, but it’s in some old texts. The HFE types made the point that the control room rats were a lot smarter than the doofs who designed error prone critical grab-handles.

Please remember, I am ex navy. Any boat Adm. Rickover approved of would NEVER ALLOW this sort of shit. Yes, the man was a #1 asshole. But he knew about and respected the inherent dangers of nuclear power. Civilians on the other hand, not so much. Hence we have had 3 mile island, Chernobyl and Fukushima .