
Sanders Supporter Tim Robbins Thinks Exit Polls Prove Hillary Is Stealing the Election

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips4/26/2016 6:46:35 am PDT

Donald Trump, ex-cops joined on stage by felon from LI

…Standing under the banner of the New York Veteran Police Association at a news event on Staten Island on April 17, the men were identified by CNN and other media as retired New York City cops. One of the men, standing just behind Trump, cheered the loudest, shouting “Absolutely!” as Trump excoriated the “rigged system” of the delegate-selection process…

…But the enthusiastic supporter, Dale Robert Javino, 55, has never been a law enforcement officer, the association’s president acknowledges….

…Javino did see law enforcement from the other side, serving time in federal prison for possessing a Molotov cocktail outside the home of a couple he “had threatened to kill,” according to a federal judge’s summary of the case…

Seems like just the sort of supporter Trump’s campaign would associate with