
Thursday Night Blues: Joe Bonamassa, "Blues of Desperation"

makeitstop8/05/2016 7:33:14 am PDT

Random thought I had before I fell asleep last night…

We’re looking at Trump’s refusal to endorse Ryan vs. Pence’s endorsement and thinking they don’t know which end is up, that the campaign is in disarray.

It could just as easily be that they’re running a completely inept version of ‘good cop, bad cop here - with the idea that those who like Ryan will listen to Pence and those who don’t will hear what Trump’s saying.

Sure, it’s kind of the ‘Dumb & Dumber’ version of good cop, bad cop. But let’s remember that neither one of these guys is a Mensa candidate. And Manafort doesn’t seem all that bright either, which is why he’s going along with it.