
The Big Shoe Drops: Michael Flynn Pleads Guilty to Lying to the FBI

lawhawk12/01/2017 1:06:23 pm PST

re: #196 Backwoods_Sleuth

Trump’s an even bigger moron than we give him credit for.

Everyone who isn’t watching Faux and Friends knew Flynn was going to turn because of Mueller putting the screws to him. The only question was when that would happen.

No one should have been surprised at this turn of events, and yet Trump is blindsided?

His advisers didn’t exactly do a good job advising. They should know or have reason to know of the fact that everyone around them has lawyered up and that Mueller’s aggressively approaching the entire admin as a criminal racket. To think this kind of news was surprising to Trump shows how walled off Trump is from reality (and therefore his supporters also think that this is all deep state bullshit and not the continued unraveling of this craven administration).