
LGF on Glenn Beck

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion4/16/2009 3:25:08 pm PDT

re: #125 ConservatismNow!

What the heck is a racialist?


Basically its a euphemism for racism used by racists to try to cover who and what they are. According to them, “racists” hate people of ofter races for no reason but “racialists” point out “legitimate” differences between races and then use them as an excuse for segregation, over-the-top “pride” in ones own race, or in other words just plain…. racism.

I don’t know Lew Rockwell’s feelings on this and have only seen his paleo-libertarian economic and foreign policy screeds that were ridiculous, but I know that Charles doesn’t talk out his ass so I’m trusting him on this. The fact the Rockwell is batshit crazy on other things lends credibility to this as well.