
New Book: 30 Threats a Day for Obama

iceweasel8/05/2009 12:03:54 am PDT

re: #201 ArchangelMichael

I agree with you, but I’m not sure how healthy it was to replace being whiny petulant children with being starry-eyed rock star groupies/cultists.

I’m no fan of Obama’s personality cult, and he does have one. Bush did too, and still does, and I don’t like that either. Personality cults are the antithesis of a democracy. They’re unhealthy for the body politic.

But I have to say that most of the best—and harshest— criticisms I see of Obama are coming from the left. especially the progressive left.

I’m sure he still has cultists out there, and he does have the vapidity and vacuity of most of the Beltway media and MSM still behind him, but there’s criticism for sure. (and I don’t see the media as blindly worshipping him, in most cases, but as being lazy and loving a narrative. They’ll turn on Obama just the same way they did Bush, and just as they did McCain, as soon as it’s to their benefit.)