
WaPo Poll: Most Americans Oppose Afghanistan War

NukeAtomrod8/20/2009 11:37:48 am PDT

re: #158 SasquatchOnSteroids

The Pakistani ISI and Taliban are intermingled with each other heavily IIRC, and defeating the Taliban is not going to be easy without some across the border housecleaning.

We could take off the kid gloves and stop worrying about hearts and minds. If we kicked ass until we were wading knee-deep in blood and gore—You know, actually try to win the war—the Taliban would get as sick of the bloodshed as we already are. And the Pakistanis would probably turn tail and run, because they won’t want to be in the way on the Taliban’s reckoning day.

I truly abhor violence and war, but those are the only tools that will make peace with an opponent that has no other goal than your destruction.