
Video: Debunking Monckton, Part 2

Cato the Elder4/17/2010 7:16:03 pm PDT

re: #169 LudwigVanQuixote

And yet the energy sources are available and so is the technology to make electric vehicles. It is not that the technology is lacking, it is policy that is lacking because of the vested financial interests blocking such policy. This is of course coupled with the human will to simply deny real problems that are staring them in the face.

Which is my entire point in one succinct sentence. I would only add that that will to deny is a survival mechanism in itself. And that most humans are too busy doing what they have to to keep warm, fed, and housed to think more than two weeks ahead.

Science can do the thinking for them, but not the acting. Not even by government fiat. All the warnings and dire predictions in the world are not enough to shift the lava flow that is humanity in the aggregate.

There is no Hollywood happy ending here if we do not act. People either get that and get it soon or you will be correct and our civilization will have signed its own death warrant.

I’m not expecting a happy ending in this world.