
Jon Stewart on the One Constitutional Amendment Fox News Will Defend

lawhawk4/26/2013 10:20:51 am PDT

House GOPers Chafetz and Jordan hold hearings, inviting none other than Alex Jones to testify on how the feds are stockpiling 1.6 billion rounds of ammo.

Oh, and the solution to the stockpiling is a bill that GOPers have introduced that would prohibit the practice of stockpiling ammo.

In other words, these clueless morons will increase the costs to law enforcement agencies within the federal government from taking advantage of bulk purchases to meet their multi-year needs for training, use, and availability. Yeah, that’s fiscally responsible alright.

Inhofe is in on that too. And peddling nonsense about how the federal government is pushing civilian purchasers out of the market with the bulk buys - all while ignoring that even the NRA has put the kibosh on this nonsense. Any shortages in ammo for civilian use is due to a run on ammo by people who think that the government is going to ban guns and buying into the right wing scare tactics.

Corrected - Jones wasn’t invited, but the hearing was essentially held to air Jones’ conspiracy minded claims about the stockpiling of ammo.