
Radio Hosts Jim Garrow and Pete Santilli Openly Call for Military Coup Against Obama

danarchy1/07/2014 2:18:14 pm PST

re: #190 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

My dog is the biggest pain in the ass when it comes to cold weather. For some reason his usual dump-taking spot just won’t do at all, and he has to travel across miles of tundra like Nanook of the North, invariably headlong into the 400MPH wind, and then spend a small eternity sniffing every little morsel that he usually wouldn’t even notice. If I happen to have a cold or something (as I have had for the past week and a half now) he takes even longer. Cold and freezing winds don’t seem to bother him at all.

Rain is a different story, however. If it’s raining when it’s time to Go Outside, he acts like I’m dragging him out the door for a savage beating.

Same here, I have a Norwegian Elkhound and the only thing that will keep her inside is rain. And apparently something about really cold air must make scents travel farther because she is usually really good on leash, but when it is really cold out she HAS to go check out every smell in the neighborhood.