
Trump Refuses to Endorse Paul Ryan and John McCain in GOP Primaries

ObserverArt8/02/2016 4:13:38 pm PDT

I was thinking earlier about Trump saying the election will be rigged and many talking heads saying this is his setup for an excuse. And then some wondered would that be dangerous causing Trump supporters to go nuts?

Also, so many are wondering when the established Republicans are going to tell Trump to take a hike and refuse to endorse him.

So my question…if Trump gets soundly trashed in the election and throws a huge fit and claims it was a rigged vote…will those same weak Republicans be big enough to put their big person pants on and put a stop to Trump claiming a fixed election and finally tell him to shut the fuck up?

If it should get to this point to me it is no longer politics…it is stopping a potentially dangerous situation and holding the country together.

My concern…they will still be too weak to shut him up.