
BREAKING: Trump Was Planning to Fire Robert Mueller Last June, Until White House Counsel McGahn Threatened to Resign

lawhawk1/26/2018 7:55:19 am PST

Greets and saluts from the Resistance in the NYC metro area. Weā€™ve got reports Trumpā€™s inner circle are lying to Trump to keep him from firing Mueller (who heā€™s wanted to fire since essentially day one of the investigation last June), but has been talked out of doing so by his Counsel because it would cause a constitutional crisis - not that Trump knows or cares.

Trumpā€™s mindset is that heā€™s immune and above the law and that he can do whatever he likes because he won and that government is exactly like how he runs his businesses.

Neither of these things are true.

Heā€™s not above the law.

Government is not run like a business, let alone one of Trump businesses.

Government has accountability to the people, including specific accountability under the law to Congress, the judiciary, and Trump specifically took an oath to uphold the Constitution.

What weā€™re seeing is Trump violating that oath daily, and his staff/counsel are lying to him to keep him from further breaking the law.

The intent to break the law is there. He fired Comey because of the investigation, and this is more proof of intent behind the firing (corroborating his own actions/words about firing Comey because of the investigation).

All Fox can do is spew nonsensical ravings from Hannity about deep state, Clinton, etc., and Fox and Friends regurgitates what Trump says about deep state, Clinton and Fake news.

Itā€™s a circle jerk of agitprop - and it is a feedback loop whose primary consumer is Trump himself, but all the Fox viewers are being misled into thinking that thereā€™s nothing to the Mueller investigation, but the Clinton investigations that went on for years and yielded nothing should continue because indictments are around the corner.

Muellerā€™s already gotten indictments and guilty pleas in just a few short months - and we havenā€™t even gotten through the first round of interviews with all the principals. There will be further interviews to be sure.

Thatā€™s separate from the ongoing Congressional investigations, but as we also know, Nunes, Chaffetz, and other GOPers have been running interference on behalf of Trump and may find themselves on the wrong side of the law too.