
Bobby Jindal's Volcano Monitoring Slam Backfires

BartB3/24/2009 12:03:37 pm PDT

I need more info, but the story that started it all suggests that the warning came out after the volcano erupted. Um, that’s not a warning, it’s a report. Probably didn’t take much equipment to figure that out. I am not aware of any prediction of any eruption that stated a specific time for such an event. When you see lava flowing down, dust clouds 11 miles in the air, those are pretty good clues.

As far as asteroid monitors, there was an article a few years back when the star watchers were screaming bloody murder that any country that couldn’t come up with $50M/year was too primitive to discuss. The stories that hit my backwater newspaper suggest that amateurs are way ahead of the professionals at finding those things, and they work for free.