
CBS News Gets Their Smear On

Desert Dog7/23/2009 10:16:59 pm PDT

re: #184 MikeySDCA

Since I despise both of the named morons, I suppose I should resent your comment. But I don’t. Perhaps you might want to consider the facts.

Victory in Afghanistan will require buying off the appropriate warlords OR making their lives unbearable. The days of just leaving them to themselves is over now though. They harbor bad guys that come over here and blow up our buildings and kill our people. So, if we leave and that happens again…what are we to do? Militarily, we could crush them like bugs…it’s what happens afterwards that is the problem. We need to make them see that having friends like the Taliban and AQ is not healthy for them or their people…if we bring that point home, they should see the light…otherwise, we will come back in there and have to really hurt them. Luckily for them, we lack the political will to do much more than we are doing now…It’s a tough call, that is for sure. Unwinnable? I think we can win…but it will take different tactics than the ones we are using now, that is for sure.