
Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones

SuperdaveTWC11/19/2009 8:23:03 pm PST

The only truth in the entire anthropogenic global warming hysteria is that there is a planet called “Earth”. As a scientist, I believe the null hypothesis when it comes to extraordinary claims. Unfortunately, too many scientists are easily bought. Most of them, ironically, are the academics and government scientists, while the industrial scientists are usually MUCH more academically honest simply because they have no personal financial or political reason not to be. You see, in business, being wrong in your conclusions is FAR more hazardous to your career than in academia, where tenured professors are darn near impossible to fire, or government, where we are even more difficult to fire than academicians.

Having been in all three spheres, I speak from experience. Academics want money for lots of cool toys and big research groups with lots of grad students and postdocs who publish lots of papers, thereby making the academic scientist famous. In government, your superiors are politicians, therefore your career is dependent upon politics. Your funding for doing what you want to do depends upon the whims of congress, the President, and his cabinet members and other SES appointees.

Industrial scientists live and die with their companies. The companies rely on the scientists’ honesty, intelligence, diligence, creativity, and integrity. If industrial scientists put out crap, the company loses its R&D investment and can fail, taking the scientists with it.