
Bay News 9 Profiles an Alternate Reality Version of LGF

HRH Stanley Sea6/19/2010 12:07:54 pm PDT

re: #197 Dark_Falcon

Good find. However, i must say that what she did was typical Clinton triangulation: Praising the organization’s members while attacking the organization’s leadership, while simultaneously seizing “the vital center” for himself. I didn’t buy that then, and I don’t buy it now. Kagan could write such things while still pushing for gun bans.

Very detailed analysis of the memo’s. Apparently they were handwritten notes in the margins.

It’s perhaps unfortunate for the White House that she happened to list the two names side by side. But there’s no evidence of any comparison, aside from the fact that they appeared next to each other on two pieces of paper amid a lengthy and wide-ranging analysis.