
John Birch Society Praises Glenn Beck for Promoting Their 'Ideas'

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/06/2010 12:40:45 pm PDT

re: #197 Spare O’Lake

Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t you one of the lizards who a while back argued strenuously that the Saudis and even OPEC do NOT control the price of oil?

No. Well, they don’t control it, but they can affect it.

Besides, if you don’t buy your oil from them, then you won’t need to kow tow to them any more. Just run some more pipelines up here and we’ll fill’em for you.

The US doesn’t kowtow to Saudi Arabia. I’m not sure why you always have to be so hyperbolically insulting to the US. What’s the point?

The price of oil depends on the supply of oil (and the supply of refineries) and the consumption of oil. If we get more oil from Canada but increase consumption, the net effect is to raise the price of oil, giving more money to the Middle East. If the Middle East, and OPEC, then, artificially restricts the outflow of oil, prices will rise even higher, since oil is fungible.