
Neo-Nazi Friends of Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer Attack Police

Dark_Falcon8/28/2010 3:06:36 pm PDT

re: #187 Spare O’Lake

Sounds reasonable. I read somewhere that the National Parks Service used to issue crowd counts but that was stopped after the million man march folks accused the NPS of intentionally underestimating the attendance.
Teh stupid is strong on this suppression of attendance statistics.

The NPS stopped because its more trouble than its worth. If the tally is favorable to the marchers, those opposing the event say the count was inflated. If its below what was expected (absent rain or snow), then the march organizers will say it was deliberately uncounted. No matter what the estimate is, it will be subject to politically motivated attacks. The Park Service knew they couldn’t win at the game, so they gave up playing it.