
FL Gov. Scott to Sign Bill Muzzling Doctors on Gun Safety

RogueOne5/09/2011 4:20:27 am PDT

re: #204 Obdicut

Since the doctors can’t coerce the patients to say anything, that has nothing to do with this. There’s no force. Seriously, dude, you have the most arbitrary and ad-hoc view of rights. You’re completely inconsistent.

It’s early so I’ll let the reading comprehension related snark slide.

That was my original question, is this bill about asking questions of kids or parents? If it’s about asking parents then the law is unneeded, an adult knows (or should know) they don’t have any obligation to answer questions. If it’s about asking children, without adult representation, these questions then I can see why that would upset people.

What is so confusing about anything I’ve said other than it doesn’t fit your view? We already limit what employers are allowed to ask of their employees, what business owners are allowed to ask of their customers, and what government is allowed to ask of it’s citizens. How would telling doctors they aren’t entitled to violate the privacy of their clients, by questioning their children, a violation of their speech rights?

Yeah. I mean, how could a law only restricting what they can say be a limitation of speech?


Limiting what they’re allowed to ask does not put any limitation on what they are allowed to say. They can still give all the gun safety info they want, they just aren’t allowed to ask if it’s germane to the family.

Lastly, I’ve said repeatedly that I’m not sure and I don’t know. It’s not important to me that I be right all the time. You should try it, it’s refreshing.