
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): 'We Are In the Last Days'

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin7/18/2011 7:10:35 pm PDT

re: #188 The Ghost of a Flea

I wasn’t really thinking about polling, rather, the sort of amorphous body of critiques Obama receives that relate to cultural/racial issues.

I guess I would further add—perhaps ironing out the MBF—that the GOP’s use of “other” versus “American” isn’t constrained to cultural/racial issues, and long before Obama came on the scene different varieties of othering have been used for the same tactical effect.

You’re right, they aren’t, which is what makes room for buttwagons like Herman Cain to be the face of the GOTP’s anti-Muslim/anti-“Hussein” hate.

I know you weren’t talking about voting. But I would say a lot the people who make up the TP definitely voted in part according to anti-Black sentiment, and then went and formed the tea parties along with their other issues. What I meant was, we won’t see an Obama’s Not Black Enough party. Those are internal conversations (though anyone can discuss them. But nobody will buy Bryan Fischer’s annointing of Cain as the only authentic Black whatever in the race. I don’t know who he thinks he’s fooling with that garbage. LOL!)