
Pink Bibles Recalled Because of Abortion Cooties

kirkspencer12/15/2011 2:36:03 pm PST

re: #118 Obdicut

I shaved my legs once. Nobody warned me about the stubble thing.

About 35 years ago I was in High School. I was on the swim team. There’s an odd ritual for high school males on swim teams, happens about the time of the Big Race: full body shave. Some even shave the head, though most keep it under the cap.

The girls laughed. At first most of us thought it was about how we looked. Really, though, for the majority there wasn’t THAT much visible hair. (There are always a few who seem to be part gorilla or bear - raise hand.) In reality - which I knew because I asked - it was because they were anticipating our next few weeks as the hair returned.

Did I mention Itch?