
Susan G. Komen Official Resigned in Protest Over Planned Parenthood Cut-Off

Kragar2/02/2012 1:07:47 pm PST

Atlas Shrugged: Part Two Will Likely Hit Theaters Right Before The Election

Apparently gluttons for more movie critic punishment, the producers of the first Atlas Shrugged movie have announced that production on Part Two will begin in the spring.

John Aglialoro, who independently produced and funded the first movie to the tune of $20 million, and Harmon Kaslow, another producer, announced that they would begin principal photography on the sequel in April, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Ever attentive to timing, Aglialoro and Kaslow said they chose to announce the movie on what would have been Ayn Rand’s 107th birthday and are shooting to release it this October, right before the presidential election.

Principal photography to theater in 7 months? Good luck with that.