Comment and Drudge Report: Center Right? Who Are They Kidding?

Targetpractice7/01/2012 4:16:55 pm PDT

I don’t even know how to respond to this:

What kind of mandate should “the right” have supported?

2. A rejection of health care egalitarianism, namely a recognition that the wealthy will purchase more and better health care than the poor. Trying to equalize health care consumption hurts the poor, since most feasible policies to do this take away cash from the poor, either directly or through the operation of tax incidence. We need to accept the principle that sometimes poor people will die just because they are poor. Some of you don’t like the sound of that, but we already let the wealthy enjoy all sorts of other goods — most importantly status — which lengthen their lives and which the poor enjoy to a much lesser degree. We shouldn’t screw up our health care institutions by being determined to fight inegalitarian principles for one very select set of factors which determine health care outcomes.

This is not a proposal from some no-name blogger, this is Tyler Cowen, a libertarian economist who writes for the New York Times and is a professor at George Mason University, arguing that it be the policy of this nation that the poor die because they are poor.