
New From Seth Meyers: Trump Pressured Ukraine to Meddle in the 2020 Election

lawhawk9/24/2019 8:30:16 am PDT

re: #201 Scottish Dragon

Don’t assume that the courts will side with California on this. Trump and McConnell have helped refashion the courts with right wing extremists in a way not seen in generations - so they may take the position that CA can’t enact more stringent air quality and fuel economy standards to try and improve air quality in CA (and the rest of the US states key off the CA standards).

Heck, I remember watching The Price Is Right for years and every time they said that “A NEW CAR!” one of the specs was always CA emissions standards, which was a thing because CA needed to go more rigorous on trying to reduce pollution.

Trump’s out to destroy his political enemies (real and perceived) and will do what he can to punish the states that didn’t support him. CA is tops on that list.

Never mind that the CA economy by itself could push the nation into a recession if things go sour, and that the state is a net giver to the federal revenue (it gets less back than it gives).

Trump and the GOP don’t care about the science or the logic. They’re out to punish their enemies who merely want to hold Trump accountable for criminal acts.