
Living Fossil Finds Love (Or Something Like It)

Optimizer1/30/2009 7:06:40 pm PST

re: #196 NY Nana

Let’s see….daughter went to Binghamton, and 2 of my sons went to SUNY/Buffalo. Other son went to U of T…did I touch any place that you know? ;)

We are not in the city, but are near the CT border.

I had seen a few articles that were less than glowing, and I just wish that I had saved them. This one has what is a major problem to me: her pork barrel spending, and her flip-flops on some important issues. We shall see how she fares…

At the moment, I happen to be sitting in the very township where SUNY/Buffalo resides. No fair! You’re a Lizard, not the average Joe down there. My favorite instance of NYC geographical ignorance I heard of was when a friend of mine told someone he was from VT when he was down there. As the one guy struggled as to where that was, his friend chided him, “No, it’s Upstate!”

The talk of pork in the article doesn’t alarm me much. We know that practically all of them do it. If anything it’s refreshing to see a politician be open & honest about it. These days I get more focused on “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” (read that, “pro-American foreign policy and capitalism”).

Her “flip-flopping” - to the extent that it exists - seems to focus on gay rights issues, which are not hot buttons for me.

Hey - one of my ancestors fought in the Revolution along the NY/CT border down there. Lived in a little place called “North Salem”, in the NE corner of Westchester Co. 15-year-old kid, apparently with a lot of spunk - got shot up and captured, almost died & got a crippled up arm for life. A trillion thanks, gt-gt-gt-gt grandpa!