
George Will's Climate Change Column, Part 3

Teh Flowah2/27/2009 3:56:36 pm PST

re: #179 taxfreekiller

Avanti, when you and the other loon ass liars give up your cars and air conditioning and air plane rides let me know,

as in the stimulus package deal,

what you loons do not use,,, I will.

thanks very much

This is just flawed beyond acceptable standards of stupid. Few scientists and few laymen who accept the scientific theory of AGW advocate going back to the stone age. They argue for developing renewable resources, or new methods of recycling, or carbon filtering, or more efficient cars, or public transportation. They’re asking you not to be wasteful, not to give everything up. Instead of turning up the heat, put on a sweater. And by God, let’s catch up to France.

But that probably sounds like someone telling you to give up electricity, amirite? Idiot.

re: #205 Hollowpoint

So a physics professor- someone with intimite knowledge of thermodynamics, which is quite relevant- is by definition a “fake expert”, but anyone endorsed by the IPCC is a legitimate expert?

I don’t know. Did the “scientist” with the Ph.D. in molecular genetics working at the creationist museum have an expert’s authority to question the theory of evolution? Before you answer the question, allow me to laugh heartily.

Physics of course, being related to many fields because it is so fundamental being a poor indicator of someone’s knowledge in the field of climate change. He might know everything there is to know about thermodynamics but he would likewise need to know everything about the earth’s climate to put the two together. Does he? Is he supported by other scientists as well? Has he been peer reviewed?

Do you think there is some worldwide conspiracy wherein the vast majority of scientists are in cahoots to fool the world about AGW in some grab for funding? That would really be the only way to show that the “scientists” who have real evidence that AGW is wrong aren’t getting peer reviewed because their theories are bullshit. (They are.)