
Tim Blair's Sock Puppet Lawsuit

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/03/2010 9:52:02 pm PDT

Well, on the day of the iPocalypse there are a plethora of iGasms being reported.

Seems like it was a good business day for Apple:

An estimated 700,000 iPads bought on day one

A number of Apple apostles did experience more than the thrill of holding a new shiny object: They got a serendipitous jolt of tech royalty. In San Jose, overnighters and early-risers got to hobnob with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, who joined the pre-iPad vigil at 6 p.m. Friday at Valley Fair mall. In Palo Alto, Apple CEO Steve Jobs sauntered unannounced into the University Avenue store shortly before noon to drink in the scene.


Some in the tech industry question whether the iPad, and competing gadgets to be rolled out in coming months, will ever be more than a niche product. Others, though, see the mouse-less slender slab as an inflection point that could redefine the portable computer industry.


In what has become a ritual, people lined up by the thousands across the country to get their iPads and be part of an Apple product launch.


Twelve-year-old Joshua Elefteratos, who had pre-ordered his iPad, was first in line among those who had reserved their tablets. His father secured the top spot by showing up at midnight; Joshua joined him at 7:30 a.m.

As the two left the store 15 minutes after it opened, Joshua Elefteratos held his tablet over his head. “It’s like I’m holding the Bible,” the Saratoga boy said.


Wearing a black hoodie and jeans, Jobs, who came with his wife, Laurene Powell-Jobs, and daughter, scanned the displays of tech goodies and watched Apple employees give iPad how-to demonstrations. And he drew amazed gazes from shoppers already expressing excitement overload.

“I love the iPad,” one 20-something female shopper blurted out to Jobs. To which he happily replied, “Good!”

And The Steve looked upon all he created and he declared it “Good”.