
FBI Raids Texas Business in Criminal Probe of Pro-Wikileaks DOS Attacks

What, me worry?12/29/2010 4:06:11 pm PST

re: #189 Obdicut

How does the victim gain?

I know. That was actually part of my point; the life of criminals is often so crappy that putting them in prison really doesn’t change much for them. They live their life surrounded by criminals and violence. Prison, out of prison, pretty much the same.

The victim gains nothing other than knowing justice is served.

In China, when you steal, they cut off your hand. That’s revenge. Here in the U.S., they put you prison. That’s justice. Both are debts paid by the criminal, except that justice is based on a moral and ethical code.

I don’t care if a criminals life is crappy. It should be crappy. A person who has made an immoral or unethical decision that effects my life should be made to pay for it. And with my above example, this country (and other more democratic countries) think a lot more about the life of the criminal than other countries.