
Budgetocalypse Open Thread

Walter L. Newton4/08/2011 8:31:54 pm PDT

re: #165 Dark_Falcon

And I got what I really wanted. Yes, the socon riders got dropped, but they were not vital to me. And they were dropped in exchange for spending reductions, which is a tiny step towards fixing the problem Republicans were sent to DC to fix.

They GOP haven’t fixed anything. Unfortunately, they have wasted so much time on the stupid social issues that they have ruined any credibility that they may had obtained from their overwhelming successes in Nov.

They shot themselves in their own foot, and anything form here on in is going to be an uphill battle. They could have played this from a real position of power, but instead, they decided to divide and conquer. The only problem is, all they wound up doing is dividing… dividing their own base and the independents that had supported them.

They fucked it up royally.