
Mike Huckabee and the Republican Clown Car, Part 2

moderatelyradicalliberal12/03/2011 8:29:38 pm PST

re: #198 funky chicken

I dunno. Hannity’s been fluffing him since about forever on the radio and on his TV show. I think the base is possibly crazy enough to nominate him.

As revolting as I find Gingrich, he’s got a lot of fans over at hotair and other conservative sites. They think he’s brilliant. And he begged for forgiveness from James Dobson, so his marital issues don’t matter to them any more.

Those are the men. Bros Before Hos and all that. If Newt is the nominee, the GOP will lose the women’s vote by 15-20 points. Evangelical women all over America will do what they did in Mississippi a few weeks ago with the “personhood” law. Say one thing to pollsters when their husbands are around and vote the opposite in the privacy of the voting booth. They will not warm to Newt. Or the botoxed, blond homewrecker he’s married to. She’ll be the most unhelpful, unliked potential first lady in history.